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Introduction post for my blog area articles


I just wanted to introduce myself here on this platform. I am a Second Life Blogger, store owner (though I rarely make much anymore), Bloodlines VaeWolf (Hybrid), and I love to socialize, still the blog keeps me very busy! I am just seeing the rules on blogging here so I thought I'd better comply! 

My actual blog is on Blogger, named "The Many Faces of Mel" (by Melyna Foxclaw) which, I will be sharing and have already been sharing the posts on Social VR but on my feed. I recently did an adult content post and never thought to check before and I did this time! I don't do them very often. But pretty cool to have a section for those blogs on this site! So here it goes! 

I do love to socialize and I try to get to a party here and there, since I love music. Mostly all kinds of music, but I do prefer Jazz, Blues, RB, Soul, Funk and the 80s! And every now and then, I like something mellow. Live is always fun, I wish I could get to more live events.

I did recently go premium, I've been thinking about it for a while and thought I'd best do it now. Too bad I can't do the full year, that'd be great, but can't since it's actually an unexpected expense for me and I am trying to save for a trip later this year. And of course, the house likes to zap my wallet now and then too! It's been kinda needy this year. 

So far I am totally enjoying the platform here and I wanted to do this introduction post and not just copy paste all my stuff as a first post here. I will probably do my regular blog postings here but I am thinking I will also share different aspects of my Second Life here as well. Something I don't regularly do on my own blog(funny how that turned out). So maybe I will be copy pasting from here to there as a result. That might be a nice change. But who knows. We will see how it goes.

Also, I have added an image of me for this post, but be aware, I am a blogger and I like to change myself A LOT! So I rarely look the same from day to day. If I love a particular look, I will keep going back to that or stay in it for a while and this could be anything from Human to Furry. Currently I am in an Android look but surely that will change soon too. Just an FYI on my shapeshifting habit. I particularly love sci-fi and fantasy looks in Second Life.

Game of Thrones Fan, Big Bang Theory Fan, Marvel and DC fan, Star Wars and Firefly too. And of course I love being in Second Life! 

Great to be here!
