Omega May Be Coming to the Ruth Mesh Body Project

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For those in search of a complete and quality free mesh body, the addition of an Omega applier option could make it incredibly popular. Ruth already has a much better alpha HUD than eBody's free version.

Just overheard an interesting announcement of sorts from Sean Heavy, the man behind the RC3 branch of the Ruth mesh body project in Second Life and OpenSim. 

Heavy stated in group chat that he's currently in talks with Omega to implement an applier for Ruth.



Why this matters: 

  • Mesh bodies are expensive and not everyone can afford one. The free version of eBody lacks an Omega option, forcing owners to use a proprietary applier that limits their options. 
  • Adding Omega will give those who use the Ruth body access to an already wide array of fashion currently on SL Marketplace (Ruth already works well with many Slink Physique mesh items and Maitreya footwear).
  • These things plus its price (free!) could make Ruth a serious contender in the mesh body arena, particularly if it is also updated for Bakes-on-Mesh when that becomes available. 


No timetable has yet been announced; however, Heavy stated he will provide updates and announcements on his various social media pages, which you can follow here: 


You can find a free copy of Ruth on his SL Marketplace store here:

And in Digiworldz (OpenSim):  hop:// Hyper Mall/37/245/22




