Aristocracy at Home

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A classy setting for the kinky folks among us. Complete the whole look with a cage, Fine leather furnituer and beautiful decor.

A classy setting for the kinky folks among us. Complete the whole look with a cage, Fine leather furnituer and beautiful decor. 
Dictatorshop - Chesterfield Adult Chair
The Chesterfield Adult Chair 1.0 also includes animations for Vanilla, M/F and F/m. And also includes a texture change menu with several leather choices including caramel, cinnamon, chocolate, cranberry liquorice. As well as metal choices in gold, brass, bronze, cast iron steel. There is also a PG version available
Dictatorshop -Chesterfield Adult Sofa Version 1.0 V
Comes with animations for Vanilla, M/F and F/m. This classy furniture includes a texture change menu with several leather choices including caramel, cinnamon, chocolate, cranberry liquorice. As well as metal choices in gold, brass, bronze, cast iron steel. There is also a PG version available
Dictatorshop - Chesterfield Coffee Table - Adult v1.0 
available in PG version Both versions feature fun sits and lounges as well as dances that range from silly to silky.  The physics of the table will also allow you to stand on it and use any of your own dances if you like.Texture change allows you to adjust the table to best fit your decor.
Dictatorshop -  Port Royal Console Cage Adult Kink v1 
The Port Royal Console Cage is a simple buffet/sideboard designed to coordinate with any of the Port Royal furniture from the bedroom to the bar sets.This cage is similar to the Chateau Console Cage in function, but features the ten new wood colors and the West Indies/British Colonial stylings of the new Port Royal set. The Console Cage is fully RLV enabled and the default settings can be changed by the owner.  There are no cuffs or chains worn with this cage as it is designed to be a simple comfortable "sub storage" display cage. There are no animations on top of the console so you are completely free to decorate on top as you like without worry. Texture changemenu with 10 woods 5 metal options.  The door opens on click.   Available for 20% off at Cosmopolitan July 13-25 .
Dictatorshop -  Port Royal Console Table DECOR v1 
This is a DECOR item, no sits included.Texture change menu with 10 woods 5 metal options. Available for 20% off at Cosmopolitan July 13-25
Dictatorshop - Port Royal Mirror PG Everyone v1 
Port Royal Mirrors come in three versions: PG, Adult Vanilla, and Adult Kink Rezzer OMNI.
All versions include texture change and the ability to adjust animations
are for sale 20% off at The Black Fair July 4-18
Surge Greenman Decorative Motif
This great wall decor is full perm.
Plastik/Petrichor - Haryssa Panel [Summer]
100% custom mesh, 5 summer textures.Copy/mod so you can put more than one out and resize them to your needs.  
Little Branch - CalatheaOrnata.v1 and v2
Includes Black and Red pot options. 100% mesh  Low Li Instant Rez
The Calathea Ornata fatpack is available now at The Liaison Collaborative July 3-26