Oh Crap! I Forgot to do the Laundry!

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We are supposed to go out tonight, reservations are set for an hour from now and I have NOTHING to wear! Crap! I cannot believe I completely spaced out
on doing laundry today.

We are supposed to go out tonight, reservations are set for an hour from now and I have NOTHING to wear! Crap! I cannot believe I completely spaced out
 on doing laundry today. 
 Shopping List
(Sponsors in Bold Print)
-Incomun- Skin Sol
Created to be compatible with Lelutka heads, thisincludes applier for and BOM layers with eyebrows/no eyebrows option, eyebrow shaper, and shape.
Mesh Body Parts:
 LeLutka Erin Head 1.0
Maitreya - Lara body

The Stringer Mausoleum Shyanne Eyes - S.E. Slate
Unrigged Mesh/BOM/Petites, Appliers for Omega and genesis Lab. Only 15L  at The Wash's Sun-sational Cart Sale July 15 - August 5
The Stringer Mausoleum  Keep it Pasty - Universal Hud Edition
 Unrigged Mesh with Natural Basics Universal texture HUD included. 35L (Shown here using  Universal Hud - Seelie Series - The Wash Pack 40L) Find this at The Wash's Sun-sational Cart Sale July 15 - August 5
Go Frock Yourself -Diagonal Nails
Includes Belleza, Maitreya, Omega, and Slink appliers
Shae's Designs - Alea Top Skirt
Sold in 10 single color choices for 50L a piece. Purchase more than one and mix and match! Competible with Maitreya, Belleza Venus/Isis/Freya, Slink Physique/Hourglass, Ebody Curvy, and Tonic Fine/Curvy. Find this now at The Wash's Sun-sational Cart Sale July 15 - August 5
Shae's Designs -Lea Wedge heels
Compatible with Belleza, Maitreya, Slink with Texture HUD only 50L exclusive at The Wash's Sun-sational Cart Sale
Add-oc Famous_Closet (A)
Includes Play Wall for adult on side with Color change HUD On sale for only 25L at The Wash's Sun-sational Cart Sale 
Props and Poses
.::IDK::. Pack#Close01- Carolisa
Fatpack inclues 8 poses and pose HUD.
Add-oc Famous_ - Glitter Backdrop
This great backdrop is only 25L now at The Wash's Sun-sational Cart Sale