New Releases Abound!

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Lots of new releases around the grid!

Isn't this a cool outfit? Love, Love, LOVE, cyber stuff! This is a new gacha outfit from Stargazer at Gachaland! This is the Aluminum version. There are 6 more colors you can win from the gacha too! This is the Arualbot 6.9 Outfit gacha! And the skin is a new skin from .:Soul:.! The .:S:. RaniV2 [G3] Froqua skin! There are both male and female versions available!

That amazing backdrop is from Morbid Mausoleum and it is available at La Vie en Pose! There are four colors available there. All links and more credits are in the blog post I've linked above.

#SecondLife #Stargazer #SoulinSL #MorbidMausoleum #fantasyskin #gachas #Gachaland #Ayashi #Catwa #LegacyMeshBody #BakesOnMesh #SLEvents #SLShopping #virtualfashion #cyberfashion #roleplay
