The Angry Witch

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How dare she take the last brownie! I was simply minding my own business and that wench stole it right from beneath my nose! Well, just wait until she sees what I have in store for her now! Acne breakout anyone?

 How dare she take the last brownie! I was simply minding my own business and that wench stole it right from beneath my nose! Well, just wait until she sees what I have in store for her now! Acne breakout anyone?
Shopping List
(Sponsors in Bold Print)
Infernal Alchemy -  Sacrilege Skin/ Night 
Handpainted Gothic skins available in different versions. Omega Applier and BOM included.
Mesh Body Parts:
Maitreya - Lara body V5.1
 Catwa - Catya 
.lovelysweet. - Hypnose Eye Appliers
Includes BOM layers and appliers for Catwa, Omega, and Lelutka Evolution. This is available at Darkness Monthly
Limerence Florence hair-
Part of the Butterflies Meadow Gacha at  Lootbox June 2020. includes butterfly hairpins, Florence and Lynette earrings and Florence hair in various colors and hairpacks. There are also 2 rares which include another hair and accessories.
Witch)0(Craft Witch's Nails - Hecate
  Coffin shaped mesh nails rigged for Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink with texture hud. 
 After Midnight Fashion - Black Soul Dress
  Hourglass, BBL, EBody Curvy, Freya, Legay, Maitreya, Physique with texture HUD at  An exclusive at Necrosis - Summer of Goth
Some great items from Pixelancer include: 
~ Ick
This is a set of 20 statics props with full perm maps and a texture applier with textures that will match Ichor and Ooze products. This is an exclusive product available only at Necrosis - Summer of Goth
 ~ Tentacle v5
This is a kit with 67 models, full perm maps, animated pulsing tentacles, and a bonus bonus texture applier with textures that will match Ichor and Ooze products. Making it's premier at Necrosis - Summer of Goth.
~ Ichor
Comes in Dark, Algae, Oil This is a set of 12 static props.
~ Ooze 
Featured product This is a set of 5 animated props.  This DOES also come in the algae, oil, and lava texture sets.
~ Concretes
Featured product This is a set of 6 static props.
(Shown in the picture is Ick, Tentacle v5, Ichor, and Ooze in the dark texture set and one of the Concretes props.)


Props and Poses
 QUANTUM Poses - Sorceress Bento 
Fatpack includes 6 poses + mirrors and pose stand.  There is a male version also available.Note: Does NOT include the orb. Shown here with !Musa! Orb oo2