How dare she take the last brownie! I was simply minding my own business and that wench stole it right from beneath my nose! Well, just wait until she sees what I have in store for her now! Acne breakout anyone?
How dare she take the last brownie! I was simply minding my own business and that wench stole it right from beneath my nose! Well, just wait until she sees what I have in store for her now! Acne breakout anyone?
Shopping List
(Sponsors in Bold Print)
Handpainted Gothic skins available in different versions. Omega Applier and BOM included.
Mesh Body Parts:
Includes BOM layers and appliers for Catwa, Omega, and Lelutka Evolution. This is available at Darkness Monthly
Part of the Butterflies Meadow Gacha at
Lootbox June 2020. includes butterfly hairpins, Florence and Lynette earrings and Florence hair in various colors and hairpacks. There are also 2 rares which include another hair and accessories.
Coffin shaped mesh nails rigged for Belleza, Maitreya, and Slink with texture hud.
~ Ick
This is a set of 20 statics props with full perm maps and a texture applier with textures that will match Ichor and Ooze products. This is an exclusive product available only at
Necrosis - Summer of Goth
~ Tentacle v5
This is a kit with 67 models, full perm maps, animated pulsing tentacles, and a bonus bonus texture applier with textures that will match Ichor and Ooze products. Making it's premier at
Necrosis - Summer of Goth.
~ Ichor
Comes in Dark, Algae, Oil This is a set of 12 static props.
~ Ooze
Featured product This is a set of 5 animated props. This DOES also come in the algae, oil, and lava texture sets.
~ Concretes
Featured product This is a set of 6 static props.
(Shown in the picture is Ick, Tentacle v5, Ichor, and Ooze in the dark texture set and one of the Concretes props.)
Props and Poses
Fatpack includes 6 poses + mirrors and pose stand. There is a male version also available.Note: Does NOT include the orb. Shown here with
!Musa! Orb oo2