Like a Rockstar

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Credits: #:Diamante:, #Egozy., #Sn@tch, #Something New, #The Bearded Guy, #UniK Event

 Feelin like a rockstar in this great new outfit by Diamante'

Shopping List

(Sponsors in Bold Print)
Egozy. - Hyuna Gift
 AK Head appliers for AK Deluxe in several tones, also includes Omega, Slink, Belleza, and Maitreya body appliers, shape, brow shaper. .  $1L group gift Costs 150L to join group.
Maitreya - Lara body, hands, and feet worn here with included nail polish
Akeruka - Cleo Bento Head worn here with included eyes and makeup
Sn@tch - Hwa Young Hair (All Color Pack) 
This great mesh hair which includes 2 rigged sizes and 6 color packs is on the Riot Vendors this week! Goth textures shown here.

:Diamante: - Skull Candy OutFit 
Includes Leg/Arm cuffs,. Sandals, skirt, top, and texture change huds for each. Rigged for Slink x2, Maitreya, Belleza x3

The Bearded Guy - Distant Sky Backdrops Gacha
This gacha collection is an exclusive at Unik.  shown is Antique Heaven Exclusive at Unik June 7-28

Props and Poses
Something New - Blog Me 1 
This is 1 of 6 poses in a pack of static poses and pose balls

Something New - Guitar Strings
 1 Single Pose and Prop