Social VR & Virtual Networks

코멘트 · 1678 견해

This blog is for info related to various sites I've created in our Networks for Virtual Avatar Platforms.

Welcome to Social VR!

Social VR is a network designed for people from various virtual platforms who require one central network to meet. Other virtual platforms include second life, sansar, high fidelity, sinespace, vr chat, Somnium Space, open sim, and many other grids and virtual spaces.

The goal of Social VR is to share interests and ultimately meet and make new friends, it is after all "SOCIAL VR"! However, we do offer other social networks just in case you are new to my brand and require something other than what Social VR offers. Those social networks include the following:

Social VR - (Virtual Social Network - Similar to Facebook Twitter) 

(Live Now 1000s of Members)

Pixel VR - (Virtual Photography Network - Similar to Flickr Instagram)

(Live Now 1000s of Bloggers Virtual Photographers)

Trend VR - (Virtual Advertising Network - Similar to Reddit Flickr)

(Open Beta)


Screen VR - (Virtual / Gaming Video Sharing Network - Similar to Youtube)

SoundMIX - (Network for DJ's Live Entertainers to share music they's mixed or created.

(Coming Soon)

I have other sites and networks but these cover the basics for creating a safe and private place for avatars to gather, even though I know we are all real people behind our avatars. These are virtual networks therefore I request of all users to keep content "public friendly" if you join any of the sites. RL Adult, SL Virtual Porn Images or other site porn images are not acceptable and will not be tolerated on any of my sites. Artistic nude avatar photography is acceptable as long as it is tastefully done. You must mark such photos as adult content and they should only be available to those people you follow, this will keep the site kid friendly for search engines.

ALL sites are created with systems for privacy and protection of your virtual data, this is our first and foremost consideration. All users will have full control over their own content, including deleting it! Please keep your password information private, we will not be held responsible for your content if you do not do so.

All users are allowed one account, this does not mean one account per household, but one account per user. If you have questions about this please reach out to me and I will be happy to explain further.

Each User Account on this site has it's own ecosystem in which you will be able to post events, create pages, create groups and I could go on forever so you'll just have to dive in to see everything that is offered. If, while navigating the site, you find a bug if you would please let me know I will add the issue to the queue for fixing.

Please respect your fellow members! Trouble makers will be tied down to a table and flogged ;) If that's your thing we'll find some other sinister way to deal with you - please play nice lol. RL Spam accounts will be deleted and banned on sight. Don't do it!

All these sites are a community effort, I want to thank you for being part of my various networks. I have lots of stuff in the works between the sites above and my AQ Network sites - like AQ Music and AQ Sound.

If you have feedback, or need assistance, I am always happy to help. Reach out to me via IM on any of my sites and you can reach me via the form on each site or via: Cheers!

Athayus Quan

Founder and Admin!
