Casting a Little Positive Magic for All Hallows Eve

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Subtle magic from your friendly neighborhood spellcaster, wishing you a Happy All Hallows Eve this year!!

 Subtle magic from your friendly neighborhood spellcaster, wishing you a Happy All Hallows Eve this year!! 



Closer look at the eyes



 Shopping List
(Sponsors in Bold Print)


DeeTaleZ *Appliers* LeLutka Heads 2 "Stana" Celtic 

This includes a shape, BOM tattoo layers with various brow options, brow shape, and Lelutka head applier. (Body appliers are sold separately)

Mesh Body Parts: 

 LeLutka Erin Head  2.0

 LEGACY Female Classic Mesh body

Petrichor - Jarrus Eyes 

100% custom mesh and textures. HUD controlled shine, shadows, animation, pupils and bases. All in one HUD . This is an exclusive at Samhain: A Pagan Festival  October 10 - November 2


.EscalateD.  Pyper

Fitted hair, Natural and Unnatural Essentials HUDs included, Materials changeable via HUD. Streaks/Duo version. StyleHUD also included. Additional Universal Texture HUDs are available at store and events. 

.EscalateD. Bloody Naturals Universal HUD and Bloody UnNaturals Universal HUD are used in this picture. Both of these HUDs have the ability to be used with ANY of Escalated's hairstyles and are prizes at Spookzilla October 23-31

VENGE -   ' Fun Bun' Stiletto Nail Applier

Works only with Venge Stiletto Nails. Has ability to decorate each nail individually so you can mix and match the textures. An exclusive at  Fetish Fair October 10-24

*Booty's Beauty* Batglam Style

Created for Lelutka Evolution, this great makeup palette includes 6 eyeshadows and 6 lipsticks. 


Paper.Sparrow - Call of Lovecraft

Shown is the Bae Hoodie and Sabrina Jeans. 4 prizes to find including 2 dresses. Rigged for Slink, Maitreya, Legacy, and Belleza bodies. Prizes at Call of LoveCraft Hunt October 20, 2020 – November 20, 2020

Props and Poses 

Something New -  Jill- O - Lantern

Includes prop with single pose. An 10L exclusive at Patch of 1000 Pumpkins Cart Sale + Hunt - Oct 1 to 31
