Work, Play, or PLAY?

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Such a nice day out today but a touch too hot, I can't seem to get my mind to settle upon work. So, do I work here at home or play on Secondlife? Or go down to the docks and splash around in the water?

 Such a nice day out today but a touch too hot, I can't seem to get my mind to settle upon work. So, do I work here at home or play on Secondlife?  Or go down to the docks and splash around in the water?





Shopping List

(Sponsors in Bold Print)


.:[PUMEC] :. -  Danna  - January

 Includes Body Applier Mini Hud (Maitreya, Belleza, Slink, Omega), system/bom skin, and Lelutka Evolution applier. Part of a gacha collection.

Mesh Body Parts:
 LeLutka Erin Head  2.0
 LEGACY  Classic Body

Clawtooth - Chanel (Dark Ombre Pack)

Fitted mesh hair with texture and style HUD


Have Unequal -  Dayah Oufit 

Dress, Thong and Gloves (all sold separately) in your choice of 8 colors, or mix and match by purchasing the fatpack. Sized for Maitreya and Legacy, this is an exclusive at ROMP August 11-25


Paper.Sparrow - Taylor Boots 

Fits Maitreya, Belleza, and Slink bodies. Available in a variety of color choices. 


Props and Poses
 Something New - Work or Secondlife?

4 Single poses and prop. This is an exclusive for Twe12ve August 12 - 31
