Another great night out, we stayed within the shadows and enjoyed the music of the band playing at the club. Check out the styling information for this look below.
Another great night out, we stayed within the shadows and enjoyed the music of the band playing at the club. Check out the styling information for this look below.
Shopping List
(Sponsors in Bold Print)
Tone 00 Suicide Dollz OMEGA HUD and BOM brows/no brows verion, 3 tones available. Another exclusive for
Suicide Dollz June 14 - 24
This shape was modeled after the Maitreya Lara Mesh Body Catwa Catya Mesh Head. Includes style card and is copy/mod.
Mesh Body Parts:
Unrigged resizeable, Natural and Unnatural Essentials HUDs included (these work with any of Escalated's hairstyles), Materials are changeable via the HUD. This includes streaks/duo version, and styling HUD. DON'T FORGET ABOUT THE STOREWIDE 50% SALE for #StayhomeSL
BOM, Catwa, Genus, Lelutka, and Omega appliers with 9 colors. Another exclusive for
Suicide Dollz
Regular and faded version, BOM layers. Another exclusive for
Suicide Dollz
Rigged for Legacy Classic/Perky and Maitreya. In 3 versions, Bats, Crosses, Skelly. An exclusive at
Suicide Dollz June 14- 24
Rigged for Freya, Kemono Tip Toes, Maitreya, and Slink. Includes HUD and is also tintable! Another exclusive for
Suicide Dollz
Props and Poses
.:Joplino:. Backdrop Stigi
Diversion - Head to Toe
Includes 5 static poses and mirror poses, plus pose HUD.