.EscalateD., MIIX event, ND/MD, Something New, The Bearded Guy, ZFG
Blog: https://aerwolf.blogspot.com/2....021/09/hoverboard-hi
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/....aerlinniel_vella/514

Aerlinniel's Adventures - Mainstream : Hoverboard High

Aerlinniel's Adventures - Mainstream : Hoverboard High

SL, Second Life, SL Blog, SL Blogger, Secondlife, SL Fashion, Backdrops, Hoverboard, Mesh, BOM, Marijuana, Casual, Fashion

"The greatest respect an artist can pay to music is to give it life."
~ Pablo Casals


#secondlife #sanctuaryofrock #sl #slmusic #sor


::After Midnight Fashion::, !!Firelight!!, +Blue Blood+, Absinthe, Angelic Designs, Beauty of Darkness, Dark Love, Halloween Town, The Darkness Chamber Fair, ZFG ( Zero F**ks Given)
Blog: https://aersgoth.blogspot.com/....2021/09/not-one-step
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/....aerlinniel_vella/514

Aerlinniel's Adventures - Gothic: Not One Step Closer!

Aerlinniel's Adventures - Gothic: Not One Step Closer!

Horror, Zombie, SL, Second Life, Raccoon City, SL Blogger, SL Blog, SL Current Events, Backdrops and Poses, SL Fashion, BOM, Mesh

Strappy ankle boots (spikes optional) at Collabor88! http://maps.secondlife.com/sec....ondlife/8%208/51/114 Fit to any bodies, male and female, with a standard ankle size (and hide your feet).

Info: http://slschadenfreude.blogspo....t.com/2021/09/schade

Collabor88 is open until October 6

#schadenfreude #collabor88


3 yrs

Strappy ankle boots (spikes optional) at Collabor88! http://maps.secondlife.com/sec....ondlife/8%208/51/114 Fit to any bodies, male and female, with a standard ankle size (and hide your feet).

Info: http://slschadenfreude.blogspo....t.com/2021/09/schade

Collabor88 is open until October 6


Strappy ankle boots (spikes optional) at Collabor88! http://maps.secondlife.com/sec....ondlife/8%208/51/114 Fit to any bodies, male and female, with a standard ankle size (and hide your feet).

Info: http://slschadenfreude.blogspo....t.com/2021/09/schade

Collabor88 is open until October 6


{ collect }, *Multifarious*, Mara's Meshy Stuff, Pixelancer, Sn@tch, Twisted Hunt
Blog: https://aersgoth.blogspot.com/....2021/09/the-hunted.h
Flickr: https://www.flickr.com/photos/....aerlinniel_vella/514

Aerlinniel's Adventures - Gothic: The Hunted

Aerlinniel's Adventures - Gothic: The Hunted

Goth, Horror, SL Hunts, Second Life, SL, SL Blog, SL Blogger, Gothic, SL Freebies, SL Fashion
nuria23 changed her profile picture
3 yrs

nuria23 changed her profile cover
3 yrs
