An abandoned, uniquely atmospheric scene unfolds: an old floating road segment covered in cobblestones. Despite the wear of time, the cobblestone path still retains its venerable charm, bearing the marks of ages gone by. Scattered debris lies around it, as if forgotten objects of the past have found their way here to evoke memories.
At the heart of the scene stands an old, steampunk-style street lamp, which has gazed upon this small slice of eternity for decades. Crafted from iron and bronze parts, the lamp's slender design and delicate embellishments dignify the memory of yesteryears. Though it hasn't served its original function in a long time, it still watches over its surroundings, illuminating both the past and the present. The historical ambiance of the lamp seamlessly merges with the surrounding area, creating a magical and melancholic image of a place lost in time.
New & Exclusive item at the Enchantment : Aetherium Nexus
DATE : May 10th through June 2nd, 2024